Foreign-Qualified Persons Application Process

All applications from foreign-qualified persons wishing to practise Pharmacy in South Africa follow the process explained and depicted in the diagram below:

  Graphical representation

Submission of applications

Applicants are required to submit their applications along with all supporting documentation to the South African Pharmacy Council via, and hand deliver/courier original documents to 591 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083, Or by post to Private Bag X 40040, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001. Incomplete applications or applications missing supporting documentation will not be accepted.

A full list of supporting documentation required to accompany an application can be viewed by clicking here.

A checklist of documents to be submitted with the applications can be viewed here.

NB: Applicants must be permanent residents of South Africa or have permission to work in the country.

Each application is reviewed by the Pre-Registration Committee of Council, which meets four times a year. All applications are reviewed on merit. Once an application is approved, the candidate may be required to write the applicable professional examination and will be informed accordingly.

For an application to serve at a Pre-Registration Committee meeting, it must have been submitted in completion and be accepted by the Office of the Registrar at least 30 days prior to the date of the Pre-Registration Committee meeting. In other words, a successful and complete application will only serve at a committee meeting for consideration if its date of completion and approval by the Office of the Registrar is at least 30 days prior to the date of the committee meeting.

Pre-Registration Committee Meeting Dates for 2025:

  • 11 March 2025;

  • 10 June 2025;

  • 19 August 2025;

  • 04 November 2025.

Foreign-qualified Persons